Your Exquisite Korean Wedding Studio

Hyehwa Studio 혜화 스튜디오 is a Korean Company that provides high-quality Wedding photography services in Hong Kong.

'Hyehwa'혜화 is the name of a neighborhood in Seoul with beautiful alleys.

Like an alley in Hyehwa-dong, which is simple but has its unique beauty, 

we capture precious moments with an honest heart.

Hyehwa Studio 혜화 스튜디오 是一家韓國公司,在香港提供高品質的婚紗攝影服務

'Hyehwa 혜화’ 是首爾一個擁有美麗小巷的街區名稱


我們想以誠實的心 捕捉每個珍貴的時刻

在香港和韓國都有商業登記的公司 亦有辦公室和自家影樓

由韓國人首席攝影師老闆 帶領Hyehwa Team的韓國及香港攝影師攝錄師

提供香港和韓國的婚紗攝影服務 亦提供香港婚禮拍攝服務 

擁有婚紗店Hyehwa Bridal 提供韓式婚紗禮服以及中式裙褂租賃服務

我們拋開傳統韓式婚紗攝影觀念 以最新最適合現代新人的拍攝手法和套餐


Hyehwa Korean Wedding 혜화 스튜디오


'Hyehwa 혜화’ 是首爾一個擁有美麗小巷的街區名稱


我們想以誠實的心 捕捉每個珍貴的時刻

Your Exquisite Korean Wedding Studio

Hyehwa Studio 혜화 스튜디오 is a Korean Company that provides high-quality Wedding photography services in Hong Kong.

'Hyehwa'혜화 is the name of a neighborhood in Seoul with beautiful alleys.

Like an alley in Hyehwa-dong, which is simple but has its unique beauty, 

we capture precious moments with an honest heart.